Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What does the future of Autism look like?

A recent estimate by the National Autism Association is of approximately 500,000 autistic spectrum cases in the United States, including up to 1 in 150 children. [Autism (incidence)]
Older men risk siring autistic kids. The findings said those born to the older fathers were six times more likely to suffer from autism and related disorders than those sired by a father younger than 30.

In the future a small cellular tiny chip with the power of Math, Spelling, Language.. etc will be the balancing out of our kids brains...

Product & Service of the Future "Chip Off the Old Block"
• Your kid will never need a tutor
• Your kid will never need to go into those special ed trailers
• Your kid will go to the top of his class in no time
• Replaces national education budget of $1.1 trillion
• For every kid with a chip, tax dollars go back in your pocket -- because we know they will all pass the High School Proficiency Test (HSPT)
• As former president George W Bush said "No child will be left behind" NCLB Act

You might say, "Spelling? A computer could do that!" Well, now it can...

Turret's in the QA process enables quick error handling of bad chips, --"We have an outstanding QA process [Fuck - spit- click] ...that one must have an error. To the error pile! --Next."

Offering special promotional chips for career purposes... Looking to get a pay raise or that big promotion? Get a management chip. Stand behind employees all day.... offering motivating communications.

Side Effects may include:
• "enhanced" behaviours
• lack of brilliance
• lack of creativity
being too normal

New! Also includes GPS tracking device... and can transport 1 TB of iTunes songs.